5 Ways to Use Remote Work As An Opportunity To Grow Professionally & Personally

March 17, 2020

5 Ways to Use Remote Work As An Opportunity To Grow Professionally & Personally

While this wild turn of events has our world turned upside down, many of us find ourselves working from home. Some people are used to this dynamic and will not feel any pressure to change up their wfh (work from home) routine, while for others this is a totally new concept. Here are a few ways that you can use this opportunity to grow both personally and professionally while upping your work game. 

Set a daily routine: It is important to set a structure to your day. Set your hours: Make sure you get the rest you need for a normal work day, and get up on time. Work your normal schedule, and end the day at your normal time. Working from home can make it seem like you are always working, so make sure to shut down your computer at your normal time and make a habit of ending the day with a specific activity, like a walk to the mailbox or changing into your comfy clothes.

Learn a new skill: There are many free options for learning new skills. Use your lunch or break time to dive and explore new things. Being remote can give you the time to yourself and grow your knowledge. 

Become a master of your profession: Utilizing this time to sharpen your professional skills is a great way to enhance your career goals and get ahead of the game.

  • Pick a skill and commit to your goal
  • Get rid of negative self-talk
  • Learn more about career development
  • Seek a mentor or outside help
  • Practice and repeat

Create healthy lifestyle habits: Being remote allows you to cut out a daily commute to and from work, so you have more time to invest in your health.

  • Get up every hour and get some fresh air.
  • Set a daily schedule and stick to it.
  • Schedule workouts during breaks.
  • Stock your kitchen with only healthy snacks and meals.

Organize your life: Working from home can be challenging when it comes to organization, and so it is important to implement daily tasks that keep you and your work on track.

  • Focus on one task at a time
  • Clear your desk every single day
  • Get yourself a planner
  • Minimize distractions
  • Separate lounge space from work space

Learn how to safely but thoroughly clean your mobile devices to avoid spread of dangerous viruses here.

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